Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week THREE:Flickr

Originally uploaded by ognipensierovo
Call me old fashioned, but this flickr stuff is very confusing. Did that stop me?!??!! Heck, no!! Am I enjoying this little trek through technology??!!!?? Heck, yeah....well, a little bit anyway! I do like this photo from flickr of the ' world's largest monastic library'. Why? Oh, I don't know, it just looks lovely.


jpanther said...

Wow MJ wherever did you find such a lovely picture??

mj said...

Why, thank you missJ...I just so happened to find it while you were looking at it on your computer. I thought it was lovely, too!

lifelonglearner said...

Hi Marcia,

Love the photos on your blog.
You are doing better than I am with this.

Susan (lifelonglearner)
