Friday, December 21, 2007

#23 Definitely THE END! (for now)

I have a love/hate relationship with this whole exercise. I loved/hated it. Plain and simple.
Parts I loved: Reading the blogging of the clever people that surround me; Always having a topic of conversation @ work..."have you got this week's 'thing' done yet?", "don't rush on ahead of me BBFF, I'm going to need you to explain this week's exercise to me!" Etc. Exploring the Internet in ways I wouldn't have left to my own devices.

Parts I hated: the pressure of getting this done, beginning something and not quitting in the middle. The extra thinking involved, even tho' it was very good for me and got me thinking 'outside the box'! That's about it, not much more that I could find to hate about it!
Sure, I would probably do this long as these clever people stick around to help me!!
Thanks for the opportunity to 'learn' all this stuff. It expanded my brain. Owwww, that hurts.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Long time a'comin.....

Originally uploaded by j-panther
See that tiny little plane? Just to the left of the mirror, slightly under the Broadway sign. Yeah, now you see it!!! That, my friend, is a BLUE ANGEL. Yep. How do I know and why should we care, you ask?!?!? Well, our precious little jpanther managed to upload that pic to took MUCH effort and patience. She only managed to upload one of about 50 shots, this being the ONE!!! So, appreciate it people. It's there for our enjoyment. That's right!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thing 22, Audio Books

Librivox............Public domain books. Yeah, sounds good. I think I might even be interested in volunteering to read. (did I just use the V word?!?) I suppose that would not be something I would really do. I'd just more THINK about doing it!! Which wouldn't really help anyone. Sigh.
I browsed the catalogue. Perursed a few titles. Interesting. I like the idea. This could benefit someone somewhere I'm sure........... On a personal note, I wish I had a new picture of Koll to put on my blog. Well, maybe on my last entry. That's all for now.

Dear BBFF,

You are good at this, I am NOT. I am imploring you to catch up. It's not that hard. I hated going on without you, but I had to.......there was just nothing else to doooooooooooooooo. Come on, consider this your encouragement...GO BBFF GO!!!!! We can get this done together. I shall await you at #23. I'll be the one looking extremely bored. HURRY!!!!
Eternally yours,

#21....Podcast....uh, yeah, whatever.......

I added Mysterious Universe Podcast to my Bloglines. Now, the interesting thing was in trying to add a link that would *snap* take you right to that podcast. HA! Even my BBFF(blogbuddyfriendforever) couldn't make THAT one happen! Sadly, if you had a hankerin' ta give a listen to information 'outside' the usual, standard info.....well, let's just say it ain't happenin' on this ole blog. maj out.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

WEEK 9, Thing 20 BlueGrass...oh the humanity!!!

Yesterday I took a look at Smithsonian Global Sound. I listened to some Bluegrass music. I love the titles: Ain't Got No Home, Ain't Me Babe, Ain't Nobody Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone.
I by-passed all the 'Ain't' songs and listened to " 'Neath That Cold Grey Tomb of Stone", by the Lilly Brothers. Would I use this resource again? Oh Yeah-I thought it was very cool to have this music right at my fingertips, and so easy to use! Would I listen to Bluegrass again? Uhh....not if it was remotely possible to avoid it, no.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Thing 19....

I clicked on the 'short list' chart of loser's for me, no way! From there I chose to take a look at the games. GUESS WHAT I FOUND?!?!?!? One of the original(in fact, I think it's THE original game) games I played in the past. Yep, you guessed it-PONG. Now, I ask you, who WOULDN'T be thrilled to find the first game they ever played on their own TV?!?!?!?!?
(I'm laughing). Ok ok, anyhoo, I enjoyed this because.....well, because I love games and this was a quick and easy way to find free ones!! Yes, it's a valuable tool, if you want to find free games!
Maybe I'll even explore more of these sites on the 'short list of winners'!
mj out.